Rick and Jason have reached their fundraising goals. If you would like to purchase any of the scripts, please go to our online store.
It’s time for the Annual Ride for Roswell bike event to raise money for cancer research at the Roswell Cancer Institute in Buffalo. My son Jason and I are riding the 102 mile route again this year. This year, I have decided to make some of my ExtendScript scripts available in exchange for a donation to the ride. And, you can donate any amount you want for each script! ExtendScript is built into FrameMaker 10 and higher. Here is a brief description of each script:
TableCleanerES: This is the new and improved version of my TableCleaner plugin. Some of the batch commands can now be performed on all of the files in a book! Click here for details.
PathChanger: This script allows you to manage paths for graphics, text insets, external cross-references, and book components with an Excel spreadsheet. You need this script when you rename or move referenced files. Click here for details.
FindChangeFormatsBatch: This script allows you to Find/Change hundreds of FrameMaker formats in a document or book with a single command. Formats are specified in a simple FrameMaker table. Click here for details.
PageLabelerES: The ExtendScript version of a long-time favorite. Transfers your FrameMaker book’s numbering to your PDF file. Click here to download the documentation.
ImportFormatsSpecialES: This script allows you more granular control of the document properties that you import from a template. It also allows you to import User Variables without System Variables and vise versa so you can import one type of variable format without clobbering the others. Click here to download the documentation.
Thank you for your generosity!