Bruce Foster, creator of many fine FrameMaker plugins, passed away suddenly on Saturday, June 11, 2011. Although Bruce had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma in September 2010, his death still came earlier than was expected. Bruce’s plugins for FrameMaker were BookInfo, ImpGraph, MifSave, MifToFM, RtfSave, and his most famous, Archive.
My son, Jason, and I will be riding the 2013 Ride for Roswell to benefit cancer research. This year we will ride the 104 mile route. I will be riding in memory of Bruce and Jason will be riding in memory of his grandfather, Dr. Richard J. Quatro. We would appreciate your sponsorship.
If you donate $40 or more to either of us, I will give you a copy of the ExtendScript version of PageLabeler or ImportFormatsSpecial. Both of these have been written in ExtendScript for use in FrameMaker 10 and higher. To see the documentation for these scripts, click the links above. For a $75 donation, you will receive both scripts, including the source code.
If you are using FrameMaker 9 or below, I will send you the plugin versions instead. Be sure to email me to tell me what you would like to receive after donating.
Rick has met his fundraising goal. Please click here to donate to Jason’s ride.
Thank you very much for your support!